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Sammlung: Professioneller Gel Nagellack

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Gel-Nagellack und herkömmlichem

Gel-Nagellack ist robuster als normaler Nagellack und kann bis zu 3 Wochen lang
halten, ohne abzusplittern. Normaler Nagellack trocknet beim Auftragen an der Luft,
während Gel-Lack unter UV-Licht aushärtet, darum muss eine Lampe verwendet
werden. Gel-Nagellack bildet auch eine starke Schutzschicht für Deine natürlichen
Nägel, so brechen sie nicht und können in Ruhe wachsen.

Wie lange sollte ich meinen MyGel Nagellack aushärten?

Die Zeit zum Aushärten kann je nach Dicke der Nagellackschicht und der
verwendeten Lampe variieren. Dünnere MyGel Schichten können mit der Mylee Pro
LED Lampe in nur 15 Sekunden ausgehärtet werden! Wir empfehlen
30–60 Sekunden pro Schicht mit einer LED-Lampe. Zudem empfehlen wir, auch das
Builder Gel und das Magic Gel Extender 60 Sekunden unter einer LED- und 120 Sekunden unter
einer UV-Lampe auszuhärten.


Warum ist mein Gel-Nagellack klebrig?

Es ist völlig normal, dass sich nach dem Aushärten eine klebrige Schicht auf dem
Gel-Lack befindet. Das ist eine Hemmschicht, die Du leicht entfernen kannst, indem
Du die Nägel mit Prep & Wipe und einem fusselfreien Tuch abwischst.

Warum lösen sich meine Nägel oder blättern ab?

Es kann verschiedene Gründen haben, warum Dein Gel-Nagellack abblättert. Die
richtige Vorbereitung vor dem Auftragen ist wichtig. Nimm Dir die Zeit: Schiebe die
Nagelhaut zurück und reinige Deine Nägel von Staub und Öl. Achte darauf, den
Lack in dünnen Schichten aufzutragen und so nach und nach die Deckkraft zu
erhöhen. Vor dem Aushärten solltest Du Lack, der auf die Haut gelangt ist,

Ist Mylee Gel-Nagellack vegan und cruelty-free?

Die kurze Antwort lautet: JA! Alle Gel-Nagellacke von Mylee sind vegan, frei von
Parabenen und werden ohne Tierversuche entwickelt. Das gesamte Mylee-
Sortiment wurde von PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) zertifiziert.

  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Ghosting
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Ghosting

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Ghosting

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Sweetheart
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Sweetheart

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Sweetheart

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Pretty in Pink
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Pretty in Pink

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Pretty in Pink

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Twilight
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Twilight

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Twilight

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Candy Cane
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Candy Cane

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Candy Cane

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Cruella
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Cruella

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Cruella

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Glitterati
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Glitterati

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Glitterati

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Quad Goals
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Quad Goals

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Quad Goals

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Pumpkin Spice
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Pumpkin Spice

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Pumpkin Spice

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Snow Queen
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Snow Queen

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Snow Queen

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Trick Or Treat
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Trick Or Treat

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Trick Or Treat

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Festive Favourites
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Festive Favourites

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Festive Favourites

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Galaxy
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Galaxy

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - Galaxy

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    27,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Winter Warmer
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Winter Warmer

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Winter Warmer

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Sugar & Spice
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Sugar & Spice

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Sugar & Spice

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Christmas Tree
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Christmas Tree

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - Christmas Tree

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - The Winter Wonderland
    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - The Winter Wonderland

    Gel Nagellack Duo - 2x10ml - The Winter Wonderland

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    14,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - The Jingle Gels
    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - The Jingle Gels

    Gel Nagellack Quad - 4x10ml - The Jingle Gels

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    25,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    25,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    25,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Woolly Socks
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Woolly Socks

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Woolly Socks

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - The Real Teal
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - The Real Teal

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - The Real Teal

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Deep Olive
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Deep Olive

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Deep Olive

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Purple Reign
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Purple Reign

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Purple Reign

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Dollar Signs
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Dollar Signs

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Dollar Signs

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
  • Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Access All Areas
    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Access All Areas

    Gel Nagellack - 10ml - Access All Areas

    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
    9,99 €
    Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
    Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 

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