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LED Lampe mit Convex Curing Technology

59,99 €
  • LED-Pro-Lampe
  • Konvexe Aushärtungstechnologie
  • Härtet Gellack in nur 15 Sekunden!

Die Mylee Pro LED-Lampe mit Convex™ Aushärtungstechnologie ist perfekt für Profis und Heimanwender. Die innovative Technologie härtet Gel in einem Bruchteil der Zeit im Vergleich zu anderen UV/LED-Lampen aus, mit Aushärtung von dünnen Gelpolierschichten in ultra schnellen 15 Sekunden! Das Gerät verfügt über einen 15-, 30- und 60-Sekunden-Timer und kann MyGellack, Magic Extender Gel und Builder-Gel aushärten. Das herausnehmbare Metalltablett eignet sich auch perfekt für die Pediküre, und die reflektierende Innenseite sorgt dafür, dass du alle deine Nägel und den Daumen gleichzeitig aushärten kannst. Das Gerät hat eine Lebensdauer von 50.000 Stunden und wird mit UK-, US- und EU-Steckern geliefert.

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Wird häufig zusammen gekauft


I can sum it up in one word like above. Brilliant
Amazing lamp, nails done in
Amazing lamp, nails done in under 20 minutes
Easy to use and great quality.
I used to have a single-finger lamp and this one is much better and saves me so much time. It's also great on my toes!
Great lamp and love how it has a time so no need to check the time
Melee Pro Salon Series Led Lamp Convex
I was lucky enough to purchase this product on prime deals and it is a great buy and saves the hard work of re-painting my nails all the time. My d... Weiterlesen
I was lucky enough to purchase this product on prime deals and it is a great buy and saves the hard work of re-painting my nails all the time. My daughter also really loves using this and it is of very good quality. X Lese weniger
Great value for money
Just i have buying Let's
Just i have buying Let's see .
Very happy with lamp. Thank
Very happy with lamp. Thank you for fantastic service
Efficient and easy to use
Efficient and easy to use
Led lamp & gel polish
So easy to use along with mylee gel products with amazing results! In love!! 💚
Good buy
Loved how much quicker it is to cure my nails compared to my old lamp.
Satisfied Customer.
Very happy with my purchase. Would recommend it to all.
I previously had a UV bulb lamp and felt i would have to cure twice for one coat. But this is truly amazing, can do one hand all at one because of ... Weiterlesen
I previously had a UV bulb lamp and felt i would have to cure twice for one coat. But this is truly amazing, can do one hand all at one because of the shape, and the different time settings make it easy to operate, even when just doing your own nails from home! Top notch, would reccomend. And the quality of my nails since make the switch - undeniable! Lese weniger
A lot better than UV lamp
This lamp is much better than my old UV lamp. It is a lot smaller and quicker and of course is better for your skin.
Love love love!!
Love love love!!
Really happy with my lamp
Really happy with my lamp
Not really had long to
Not really had long to assess it, previous lamps have failed rather quickly so hoping this one will last longer.
Quick delivery easy to use
Quick delivery easy to use
Hi didn’t think it’s worth
Hi didn’t think it’s worth the money very poorly flimsy product
Won't shop here again
I still have not received this despite the carrier saying that I have, carrier have told mylee that they delivered the product but I have not recei... Weiterlesen
I still have not received this despite the carrier saying that I have, carrier have told mylee that they delivered the product but I have not received. I have contacted Mylee on 3 occasions but they have chosen not to believe I have not received the product as carrier says it has been delivered, it wasn't delivered to my address! so I am out of pocket with no product, won't shop here again! Lese weniger
Not good
Had the product a couple of months and the base is already peeling. It’s had minimal use as we’ve been closed most of the time. Customer services i... Weiterlesen
Had the product a couple of months and the base is already peeling. It’s had minimal use as we’ve been closed most of the time. Customer services is impossible to get hold off. Would not recommend Lese weniger
Not hot enough
Only used this lamp once since purchase as it doesn't get hot enough to set the gel a waist of money 🙃
Really pleased with this lamp i’ve bought for my salon!
Best lamp in town!
I’m in love. Small, smart, skin & eco friendly and such good quality.
Five stars what more
Five stars what more can I say.
I'm really impressed
I'm really impressed with this, great value for money and very easy to use.
Best nail lamp I own
Best nail lamp I own
easy to use pleased
easy to use pleased with results

Die Mylee Pro-Lampe ist mit der neuesten Convex™-LED-Technologie ausgestattet und wird von professionellen Anwendern und Heimanwendern gleichermaßen geschätzt. Sie kann eine Schicht Gel-Lack in nur 15 Sekunden aushärten.


Mit ihrem einzigartigen Kuppeldesign und den perfekt positionierten LED-Lampen für eine gleichmäßige Lichtverteilung ist die Mylee Pro-Lampe für eine schnelle, salontaugliche und problemlose Aushärtung konzipiert. Sie verfügt über 3 Timer-Voreinstellungen für 15-, 30- und 60-Sekunden-Härtungszyklen und ist energieeffizient.


Sie wird mit UK-, US- und EU-Steckern geliefert, hat eine Lebensdauer von 50.000 Stunden und eine 24-monatige Garantie. Das Gerät ist mit allen Gellacken kompatibel, die besten Ergebnisse erzielst du jedoch mit Mylee MyGel Gellacken.


Bitte beachte, dass die silberne Grundplatte mit einer Schutzfolie überzogen ist. Entferne diese, um die reflektierende Platte freizulegen und eine fachgerechte, problemlose Aushärtung zu gewährleisten.



- Wellenlängenbereich: 395-405 nm

- Spannung: 100-240V AC, 50/60Hz

- Lebensdauer der LED-Birnen: 50.000 Stunden Lebensdauer

- Abmessungen: 205cm (L) x 105 (H) x 160cm (T) 

How to: Apply gel polish


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LED Lampe mit Convex Curing Technology

Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
59,99 €
Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
59,99 €
Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
59,99 €
Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
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