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Komplettes Waxing-Set - Warmwachsperlen - Kokos & Arnika

59,99 €
  • Stripless Waxing Kit mit Heizgerät
  • Schnell und einfach
  • Geeignet für empfindliche Haut

Alles, was du brauchst, um die Haut vorzubereiten und unerwünschte Haare zu entfernen! Dieses Set enthält einen professionellen Wachserhitzer, Wachsperlen, Einwegspatel aus Holz, Vorpflegegel, Nachpflegelotion und Gerätereiniger.

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Kit content

Wax Heater
Fuss-free waxing for a fuzz-free finish. Stripl...
Coconut & Arnica Stripless Wax
Fuss-free waxing for a fuzz-free finish. Stripl...
Pre & Post Care + Equipment Cleaner
Mylee Pre Care removes impurities, oil, make up...
Might as well call these magic wands. Professio...

Wird häufig zusammen gekauft


Love this bundle, its everything you could need and works wonders.
Over all is good
Easy to use.. takes time to cool down then you apply.. compare with other brands.. very nice smell
Great home waxer
Did a great job waxing legs, bikini & face.
Honestly loved the kit I’ve never tried waxing myself before although it was painful it was definitely worth it my hair is taking ages to grow back... Weiterlesen
Honestly loved the kit I’ve never tried waxing myself before although it was painful it was definitely worth it my hair is taking ages to grow back which I love . Lese weniger
Love it
Love it
Amazing, Does hurt, but once
Amazing, Does hurt, but once you get use to the pain your laughing.
Waxing kit
Very good!
Great set
Got a set for my cycling husband, no more shaving. The application of the hard wax is much easier than soft wax and way softer on the skin - no blo... Weiterlesen
Got a set for my cycling husband, no more shaving. The application of the hard wax is much easier than soft wax and way softer on the skin - no blood/red skin. It's quick to melt and hardens very fast. The only inconvenient is that it requires a slightly more quantity than soft wax, but because of the above pros, i will use it on myself and no more shaving (...or rarely). Delivery from Mylee was only two days (Ireland). Lese weniger
Amazing results even for tough hair. Love the arnica and coconut wax
Love mmy waxing kit so
Love mmy waxing kit so easy to use
Really good.
Really good product. Just like the salon uses - only difference is you can't set the temp digitally. But I found that if you wait half an hr a... Weiterlesen
Really good product. Just like the salon uses - only difference is you can't set the temp digitally. But I found that if you wait half an hr after turning it down to medium then the temp of the wax was perfect - and my skin is quite heat sensitive. I did a little temp test on the back of my wrist before applying it to delicate regions, just to be safe. My husband did it for me & he's never done it before, and it worked a treat - bikini area & underarm. It just took longer than the salon that's all. In 4 weeks time when we do it again it will have paid for itself. Lese weniger
Waxing Kit
Excellent product
With beauty places all closed I’m so glad I purchased this! It’s really easy to use and gives great results unlike other wax products that I have u... Weiterlesen
With beauty places all closed I’m so glad I purchased this! It’s really easy to use and gives great results unlike other wax products that I have used in the past. Lese weniger
Easy to use everything you need in one kit
First Time Trying
It works amazing, gets nearly all the hairs. It is very messy though.
I’m a novice when it comes to waxing so I found the kit easy to use. However, it was super messy and I didn’t find the equipment cleaner any use at... Weiterlesen
I’m a novice when it comes to waxing so I found the kit easy to use. However, it was super messy and I didn’t find the equipment cleaner any use at all. Lese weniger
Very disappointed with this product
Very disappointed with this product . It claims it is easy to use however 4 hours later I had legs waxed - was about to give up half way The wax h... Weiterlesen
Very disappointed with this product . It claims it is easy to use however 4 hours later I had legs waxed - was about to give up half way The wax had to be picked off bit by bit and became tedious and messy Lese weniger
Do not buy.
Poor quality. Waste of money. Doesn’t work and wax is poor poor quality.. want a refund.
I feel a bit addicted! I've had my eye brows waxed professionally before and it always stung. I used this last night and was really surprised ... Weiterlesen
I feel a bit addicted! I've had my eye brows waxed professionally before and it always stung. I used this last night and was really surprised that a) I had the courage to pull and b) it didn't hurt. I love it ♥️ Lese weniger
Amazing quality. Used it on my sister, all the hair came off and the heater is very efficient. Wax smells lovely. I would highly recommend. I also ... Weiterlesen
Amazing quality. Used it on my sister, all the hair came off and the heater is very efficient. Wax smells lovely. I would highly recommend. I also really love the Pre an after care! Lese weniger
I have been using Mylee gel polish for around 9 months now, it is the best product I've used so far, it lasts up to 3 weeks. Buying cheap is f... Weiterlesen
I have been using Mylee gel polish for around 9 months now, it is the best product I've used so far, it lasts up to 3 weeks. Buying cheap is false economy! Lese weniger
Heater didn’t work customer service didn’t fulfil refund or replacement
I bought this product after a recommendation from a friend however when it arrived the oil had leaked everywhere and was now ingrained in to the ca... Weiterlesen
I bought this product after a recommendation from a friend however when it arrived the oil had leaked everywhere and was now ingrained in to the carpet and my jeans, plus the reception at my building were very cross that there was oil all over the post room floor and I had to clean it for them. To add insult to the fact I had to buy 3 tubes of 1001 carpet cleaner the heater didn’t work just smelt strongly of burning plastic which set the smoke alarms of at 11pm (thanks for that the 100+ residents of the apartment building are not my biggest fans anymore). A replacement for the oil was sent out but never a replacement heater, a little redundant sending oil to remove melted wax when the heater doesn’t work. I requested a refund or replacement and the customer service agent said she would get a replacement sent, 2 months later 3 ignored emails and nothing has been sent. I bought a replacement heater from Amazon which was much cheaper and worked right from the get go plus they actually reply to their customer service emails. In summary, terrible delivery, product didn’t work, other product leaked everywhere causing damaged, and the customer service team don’t seem to give a toss. Lese weniger
Order arrived without the wax beads
Paid for the kit that includes the beads, and they were not in the box when the kit arrived. I hope they answer my email and correct that mistake!
Great quality and va
Great quality and value
Salon quality produc
Salon quality product.
Def value for money.
Def value for money... instructions are accurate and the product quality is amazing for the price.
Good for first time
Good for first time user.

Mylee bietet Salons, professionellen Anwendern und Heimanwendern hochwertige Waxing-Produkte an. Wir begleiten dich durch alle Phasen des Waxing-Prozesses und stellen sicher, dass du die perfekte Ausrüstung für die besten Ergebnisse hast.


Das Set enthält: Professionellen Wachserhitzer, Wachsperlen aus Holzkohle und grünem Tee, Einweg-Wachs-Spatel (100 Stück), Pre-Care Gel, After-Care Lotion und Gerätereiniger.


Das professionelle Heizgerät hat eine 6-monatige Garantie, fasst alle Standard-Wachsbehälter, ist für alle Hart-, Weich- und Paraffinwachse geeignet, hat eine einstellbare Temperatur und einen herausnehmbaren Metall-Innentopf.


Das Pre-Care Gel reinigt die Haut vor der Enthaarung gründlich. Es entfernt schnell und effektiv überschüssiges Hautfett, Cremes und Make-up. Aloe Vera beruhigt die Haut, es ist seifenfrei und für alle Hauttypen geeignet.


Die After-Care Lotion ist eine sanfte und beruhigende Lotion für die Zeit nach der Enthaarung, die mit Aloe Vera angereichert ist und der Haut viel Feuchtigkeit spendet. Deine Haut wird intensiv beruhigt und gekühlt, sodass du dich nach der Enthaarung nicht mehr unwohl fühlst. Geeignet für alle Hauttypen.

Der Gerätereiniger kann verwendet werden, um Enthaarungswachs und andere schwer zu entfernende Materialien von Geräten und Arbeitsflächen zu entfernen.


Wir empfehlen, alle Wachse vor der Anwendung einem Patch-Test zu unterziehen.


Schritt 1: Lege die streifenlosen Wachsperlen in das Heizgerät im abnehmbaren Eimer und lass sie schmelzen.

Teste die Temperatur an der Innenseite deines Handgelenks. Das Wachs sollte warm sein und die Haut nicht verbrennen.

Schritt 2: Als Nächstes bereite die Haut vor. Massiere das Wachs-Pflegegel auf die zu wachsende Stelle, um die Haut zu reinigen und sicherzustellen, dass kein Öl oder Rückstände auf der Haut zurückbleiben, die das Endergebnis beeinträchtigen könnten. Warte, bis das Gel getrocknet ist, bevor du das Wachs aufträgst.

Schritt 3: Verteile mit einem Spatel eine Wachsschicht auf der zu behandelnden Stelle in Richtung des Haarwachstums.

Schritt 4: Warte, bis das streifenlose Wachs abgekühlt und ausgehärtet/fest geworden ist, und ziehe das Wachs dann mit einer festen Bewegung entgegen der Haarwuchsrichtung ab.

Schritt 5: Wiederhole den Vorgang, bis alle Haare in diesem Bereich entfernt sind.

Schritt 6: Massiere sanft eine kleine Menge After Care Lotion auf die gewachste Stelle, um die Haut zu kühlen, zu beruhigen und mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen.


Vorsicht! Von den Augen fernhalten, kann schwere Augenreizungen verursachen. Kann Hautreizungen oder allergische Hautreaktionen hervorrufen. Von Kindern fernhalten.


How to: Stripless Wax

How to: Soft Wax


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Komplettes Waxing-Set - Warmwachsperlen - ...

Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
59,99 €
Translation missing: de.products.product.sale_price
59,99 €
Translation missing: de.products.product.regular_price
59,99 €
Translation missing: de.products.product.unit_price_label
Translation missing: de.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 
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